The great thing about running is that even when the marathon…

The great thing about running is that even when the marathon you’ve spent 4 months preparing for is canceled 20 minutes before it starts, by the first mile of your consolation lap your disappointment is washed away by the simple act of running: it was a beautiful day to run 15 miles as training for some yet-to-be-determined challenge. #whyirun #whyirace #centralparkmarathon #running (thanks @runsmartproject & @brooklynrunningco for getting me ready!) #sorrytheressomefuckedupgrammarinthisbuticantfeelmyfingers (at Central Park In Manhattan)

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The great thing about running is that even when the marathon… Read More »

A day-saving run in sleet

The best way to accommodate myself to bad weather, I find, is to go run in it. The sleet or rain or violent wind makes what might have been an uneventful run into an adventure. When you live in a city, it can be the only kind of natural adventure available to you.

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Poem for the Old Year

For the new year, Tessa Rumsey’s “Poem for the Old Year.” I’ve loved this poem unreasonably since I read it at the desk of my first job in New York 16 years ago. Happy New Year!

Poem for the Old Year
January. The archer aims at himself.
His target is the eye of a fish. River
is frozen. Field rises in mists of lost
desire and steams the sealed sky open.
Fish be ruby-weeping. Fish be nailed
through scale onto door of silver birch.
Over the mountain beaten boy searches
for his teeth inside a clump of brambles.
The sound of thorns through his skin
 is mercy. The sound of a beautiful fish
being nailed to a door is mercy, mercy.
Nobody knows the origin of music,
or who wind pitches for between rock
and rock like a bronco heart kicking
in its cage. Breeze seduces bow. Bow
abandons arrow. Boy finds shelter
in thicket and hears music of his breath
through ugly, twisted thistles. Come
home. It’s time to begin again. A boy
is nailed to the door and a fish is aimed
at an archer, mountain is weeping rubies
onto frozen river while wind grinds
two new teeth. Who are you 
inside the music of another’s suffering?
When I was a nail I loved only
the hammer. When I was a breeze I died
on a door. When I was a fish
I swam without knowing not yet, or last
breath, or shore.

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From the archives: 7 Years War

From the archives: 7 Years War:

You’re digging through the closet, trying to find a power strip, when you stumble across your old electric guitar. Your daughter wanted a guitar for Christmas and you didn’t get her one, but maybe she’d like to play this one, so you pull it out and open the case. There in the case is a t-shirt from a hardcore band from Orlando that you saw one frozen night in Vermont 17 winters ago, when your brother’s hardcore band opened for them. And so you find yourself in the kitchen on Christmas afternoon with headphones in, listening to strident vegan hardcore while Mariah Carey plays on repeat in the living room.

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